Friday 1 December 2017

Christmastime is here...

Well, okay, not quite here yet, we are since yesterday during the Advent, but this is thus time to get ready for Christmas. It looks and feels like Christmas more and more, and winter is most definitely here (well, as much as it can be in England). This year, if everything goes well (touch wood), we will celebrate it in my parents' home in Québec. Our little Wolfie will discover for his second Christmas true Christmas tree (and what a tree!), true winter with true snow, and well, I think if he was not very much conscious of his first one, he should remember a few things of his second. Am I excited? Very much so.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm thrilled for you all that you'll be home in Quebec for Christmas!

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm excited that you will be home in Quebec!!