Saturday 18 May 2024

The Godfather, the Game

 Oh the things one finds in the local toy shop. As many people into crime fiction, whether they are books or films, I am a fan of The Godfather. Well, it turns out that there is a board game (at least I think it can count as a board game, I mean it was in the board games section) called The Godfather: Last Family Standing. I own already too many board games, we have too little time to play them, we don't really invite enough people often enough to have party games anyway, but I must confess, I am curious. Anyone played this game? Is it worth 20 quid?

Les hippopotames roses

Photo prise par mon père à Montréal. L'art urbain. Des hippopotames roses. Ou, comme on les appelle parfois dans cette famille, des "popotames". C'est mignon.

Friday 17 May 2024

Say it with Champagne

 I mentioned two days ago that I was celebrating my work anniversary: I have been three years in my job. My bosses are very happy with me, or so it seems: they thanked me by sending me this bottle of Veuve Clicquot. A genuine, authentic Champagne, not just a fizzy wine. I must be doing something right. I was expecting something, but not this. So I was overjoyed when the delivery man knocked at my doorto hand me this bottle. It's not only to celebrate my three years, it is also because the project I am on has been extended and even expanded. I was profusely thanked for my hard work this week and they told me how thankful they were with the work I have done for them. Well, it is sweet in itself, but it is made all the sweeter as more than four years ago, I was in a different job, which I hated. I put the Veuve Clicquot in the fridge and drinking it this weekend to celebrate will be oh so sweet!

Murale sur Saint-Laurent

Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo prise sur le Boulevard Saint-Laurent. Montréal change et je ne le vois pas: je ne me rapelle pas avoir vu ce genre de murale lors de mes derniers séjours. C'est joli, je dois dire, même si un peu criard.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Pound Puppies

We went to the local toy shop last weekend. We did not stay long, just long enough to buy a birthday present for a friend of Wolfie. And enough time to see the stocks they have this time of year, thus giving me inspiration for future birthday presents. I was happy to see that they have a good selection of Pound Puppies. I knew they had them since last year. I was even tempted to buy one (the bottom right) for Wolfie, but decided to wait a bit. What is nice about Pound Puppies, is that each is unique. So it is almost like adopting a real dog, except without all the troubles.

Mai ici (et ailleurs)

 De tous les mois du printemps, le mois de mai est d'habitude le plus estival. Il y fait beau et chaud. Enfin, d'habitude. Ce fût le cas la fin de semaine dernière, un peu la semaine d'avant. Mais ça a soudainement changé dès lundi, avec des températures et de la météo qui donne au mois de mai des airs d'octobre. Pas que je ne m'en plaigne, remarquez. Je n'aime pas les températures trop chaudes et le samedi, alors qu'il faisait un soleil splendide... je trouvais ça suant par moments. Heureusement que nous étions à l'ombre. Mais c'était peut-être une aberration: j'ai vu les prévisions météo et il risque de faire frais, sinon froid, pendant une semaine de plus. Quant à moi, c'est tant mieux.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Work Anniversary

I forgot to mention it when it happened, but thought I better say it here: last Monday was my work anniversary. I have been three years in the same job. I hadn't expected it when I started. I had been temping for about nine months and before that temp job I hated my previous job, my then employer and everything about it. To say I am much happier in my current position is an understatement. It's not perfect, but it is the best employer I had in years, maybe since I am on the job market. So although I did not make a big celebration of it (or indeed any at all), I think it is important to mention it here and mark the anniversary.

Mille-feuilles érable et pacanes

Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo d'un mille-feuilles (ou mille-feuille, ou mille feuilles, enfin voir ce billet) à l'érable et aux pacanes. Il l'a acheté Ô Petit Paris. Ce sera un arrêt obligé lors de mon prochain séjour à Montréal.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Early (or late?) Jack O'Lantern

 We went to the local toy shop this weekend, to buy a gift for a friend of Wolfie. I love to go there and I try not to buy anything for myself, or for him, when we are on a mission like it was the case then. But I found this kind of plush toy (not sure of the name). A Jack O'Lantern. With a witch hat. I wonder if it is an early sign of Halloween, or just some old stock from last year. It is probably the latter, but all the same. I will take it as a sign of Halloween to come. Less than six months now.

Miguelito et les feuilles d'automne

Il m'est venu à l'esprit, en regardant la page Facebook officielle de Mafalda, que c'est l'automne en Amérique du Sud. Et en Argentine, donc. Je ne me rappelais pas de ce gag. Je ne sais pas s'il y en a d'autres sur ma saison préférée, mais ça m'a fait plaisir (et rire) de revoir celui-là.

Monday 13 May 2024

May Fayre's Scarecrows

Last Saturday, our family went to the local May Fayre,one of my favourite yearly events. They had a few stands, selling lots of things, some useful, some just cute, including these scarecrows. I love scarecrows. They are for me some of the creatures of autumn, reminding me of the coming harvests. Even in May, they are a sign that my favourite season will eventually arrive. It helps me to stay patient. Sadly, as we were rushing, I didn't buy one this year. But I took this picture.

La Boréale (une observation)

Parmi mes lecteurs du Québec, vous connaissez tous sans doute les Brasseurs du Nord et leur bière Boréale, avec leur emblématique ours polaire sur l'étiquette. Elle est partout au Québec: dans les restaurants, les bars... Je crois que c'est l'ours polaire, facilement identifiable, qui leur a donné de la notoriété. Ce n'est pas une bière que je n'aime pas, mais c'est une bière que j'aime moins. De toutes ses variétés, je préfère la rousse.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Rosemary's Baby on Mother's Day

 Quick post to wish happy Mother's Day to every mother reading this. And sharing a funny meme that made me laugh a lot today. You might remember the horror film Rosemary's Baby, a masterpiece of the genre, perfect for the Halloween season, but also for today, if you might want to find a good film to celebrate. If you are worried about how your children will turn out, just remember that there's always worse offsprings somewhere.

Mafalda et la Fête des Mères

 Non, je n'ai pas oublié: bonne Fêtes des mères à toutes. Pour leur rendre hommage, je partage ce gag de Mafalda. Comme quoi tout n'est pas rose pour les enfants, même avec une excellente mère.

Classic Train Journeys

Oh the things we sometimes get in the post, when we pay attention. I generally cannot stand whatever physical, concrete junk mail we getthrough the post. And then last week, we received this. A leaflet from Saphos Trains (first time I heard of them) advertising a luxury train journey in a steam train. If time and money were no concern, I would have already booked the tickets. Quite expensive, by the way: £165 per person for a standard class ticket, and it is a one day thing. But oh how I wish that modern train journeys could be as comfortable and luxurious as this one. I have to say, it does make me dream.

Le jardin du mois de mai

Mon père m'a envoyé des photos il y a quelques jours. Le jardin en plein mois de mai, on dirait presque le mois de mars. Le printemps semble assez tardif. Ici, c'est presque l'été, mais ça ne durera pas (et j'en suis fort aise, d'ailleurs).

Saturday 11 May 2024

Northern Lights

I was thinking of blogging about another topic today, but something came up which I thought was too good not to mention here. Anyway, I took this picture last night. You can identify an aurora, more commonly known here as northern lights. They were very visible last night. I remember seeing them as a child, one night, I remember it vividly, my father had showed them to me. I don't remember seeing them afterwards. Anyway, these were not so easily seen, the camera really brought the contrast, even though I'm a lousy photographer.

St-Ambroise à la framboise

 Nouveau signe de l'été qui sera bientôt ici, gracieuseté de la Brasserie McAuslan. J'apprends donc sur leur page Facebook que leur St-Ambroise à la framboise est de retour. Je vais tout de suite faire un aveu: je ne suis pas le plus grand fan, en général, des bières au goût de fruit, surtout de baies. Cela dit, c'est assez rafraîchissant quand il fait chaud l'été. Une des meilleures bières dans une catégorie que j'aime moins.

Friday 10 May 2024

Wolfie's Excalibur

 Well, it had to happen: Wolfie got his own Excalibur. Made of wood and not steel, but still. I will explain how he came into possession with it. Last week, we went to a "medieval festival", just for him (and me too, I am actually a medievalist). It was a rather simple affair, nothing too fancy or immersive, with jousting (more like professional wrestling disguised as jousting), falconry, archery and, well, nobody disguised but the entertainers. We had fun in any case. There were a few kiosks, among them one that sold wooden shields and swords from Tymeagain. And among the wooden toys, well, there was Excalibur. Other swords were cheaper, but neither Wolfie nor I could resist. In any case, it is an educational toy, allowing me to teach him a thing or two about the Arthurian legend. The sword will be central to our games in the next months, I am sure of it. I will keep you posted.

La piscine familiale

 Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo de la piscine familiale. Il l'a nettoyée pour l'été qui s'en vient et qui n'est pas arrivé. Ils ne pourront donc pas en profiter dans l'immédiat. La piscine, c'est à peu près la seule chose des étés de mon enfance qui me rend vraiment nostalgique. Tout part de là, en tout cas, des jeux que nous avons joués dans la piscine. Wolfie veut en profiter cette année, mais il n'est pas certain qu'on ira au Saguenay cet été. Cela dit, j'espère un jour créer des souvenirs avec lui das cette piscine.